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HomeBeauty & StyleHow to Control the Signs of Aging After 40 years

How to Control the Signs of Aging After 40 years

The process of skin aging is inevitable. It starts  from 25 to 30 years, aging after 40 years it takes another dimension because of the hormonal changes that are emerging in our body.

Cell renewal slows down. The skin loses its elasticity and firmness, suddenly, wrinkles deepen (especially around the eyes and lips), cheeks sag, the face loses its oval and mild swelling is emerging in the morning.


Moisturize Your Skin Twice A Day

You can reduce skin aging and regain the shine using anti-aging moisturizer. It must contain antioxidants that slow aging but also vitamins A and C to tone and fatty acids to deeply hydrate.

Remember or your neck, or your cleavage as exposed as the face but less protected: you oblige it to apply your cream morning and night.

It is time to think to apply morning and evening special care for the eye area and lips because these parts of the face betray more than any early signs of aging. When it is summer (even in winter) consider applying a high protection cream on your face and hands (some sunscreens have Vitamin E anti-aging action).

Additional Care

The change of season, if your skin is dry, take a cure based food supplements of essential fatty acids omega-3 and 6.

The summer before exposing yourself to the sun, take capsules that will prepare your skin and limit aging; plus they will give you good looks. To avoid the dull and sallow complexion made throughout the year a gentle scrub once a week. It will help your skin get rid of dead skin and encourage them to make new cells. And think forward your scrub a moisturizing mask.Action rejuvenating warranty.

Use Scrub For Aging After 40

When you use your scrub, enjoy exfoliating your hands. Nothing more simple, once applied the scrub on your face, spread the rest of the product on your hands acting as if you wash your hands. Rinse, dry and your hands do not ever betray your age.

Conclusion : After 40 years, skin care requests additional aging well. But above all start preparing hormonal changes that will occur in middle age.Indeed, the period of menopause is a true moral test, but also physics that some skins do not stand up and that’s when some women undergo ten years of skin aging in a few months.

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