Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeLife HacksPeople Who Prefer Pure Water, Eat More Healthy Food

People Who Prefer Pure Water, Eat More Healthy Food

People who drink Pure water instead of soft drinks, eat more healthy foods than others. This conclusion was made on the results of a national survey, which was attended by more than 12 million Americans age 20 and older.
On average, one-third of all respondents received daily requirement of liquid from ordinary water, 48% – from soft drinks, and the rest – from food. As a rule, the more a person drinks the water, the less sugar, and more fiber intake. The study also found that plain water lovers often prefer other less nutritious foods – for example, vegetables and fruits.
 pure waterThe researcher points out that the healthy person should drink a day for at least eight glasses of water, not quite true. According to them, a person can receive liquid from any source, but still preferable to plain water. As for the daily volume of fluid required to man, the scientists here do not give exact figures. According to experts, people should drink when thirsty, and the amount of fluid each must also define itself.

Benefits of Pure Water

Of course, you should not change the water carbonated beverages, which obviously injurious to health. Sodium benzoate, which is an active component of the preservatives used in most carbonated beverages (in particular Fanta, Pepsi Max, Sprite, and others), deactivates the DNA portion. This can lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases – such as Parkinson’s disease. Incidentally, as preservative sodium benzoate is not only used in carbonated beverages, but in certain pickles and sausages.
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