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HomeLife HacksBest Ways to Avoid Fatigue

Best Ways to Avoid Fatigue

Here are 10 tips to avoid energy losses.


Get Enough Sleep

We can not say enough, “sleep is healthy! “. So how to stay in shape when our nights are disturbed? If you think you have one of the 85 existing sleep disorders, according to the nonprofit organization Sleep Foundation, it may be time to consult a health professional.

In all cases, lie at regular times and let the stress out of bed are the key to quality sleep. And if you’re still tired, a 20-minute nap during the day, ideally between noon and 15 pm, you might perk.


Difficult to find the motivation to move when you’re exhausted … However, sport has the effect of giving us a boost of energy.How? Neurotransmitters that affect the well-being and stress, endorphins and serotonin are secreted by the body after 30 minutes of effort.

And if you were told to move our internal clock also regulates and promotes sleep?

Eating Well

A good breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon protein and a light supper in the evening, that’s how to avoid tiredness throughout the day. And if you have a small night munchies, here are some snacks that do not disturb your sleep .

Also, certain foods may give you a boost and help keep your energy level.

Anti-fatigue Food

Magnesium, a natural anti-stress, help you stay on track during the day. Feel free to chew two or three squares of dark chocolate or a handful of almonds if you feel weakness over you.

Vitamin C will, in turn, boost your immune system and give you a boost. It is found in citrus fruits and broccoli, for example, which can crunch throughout the morning.

Ginseng, this Asian root acts on the central nervous system in addition to containing vitamins and minerals. It is usually found in capsule, pharmacy or health food shops.

Use Appropriate Light During Work

The lack of light has many implications on our biological clock. And the days get shorter, the more we are likely to fall into depression and lack of tone. Not to mention the fact that vitamin D, became fashionable thanks to its many benefits, greatly need these rays to exist.

And no need to invest in a light box right away, since it regularly exposes to the sun in winter, preferably noon, should give you an energy boost. One can also take the opportunity to go walking ten minutes after lunch to digest, fill light and move!

Attention to Overwork

Are you tired from overwork? Or perhaps is it the reverse? Having too much on his shoulders is the beginning of a vicious circle that may cause stress and fatigue.

At home and at work, put everyone involved and do not hesitate to delegate! So you do less, but you will do better.

Also, learn to say no will allow you to concentrate on the essentials. This is certainly not an easy thing, but you will reap many benefits, including the satisfaction of having control over your life.

Keep Away From Negative Emotions

Whether it throughout the day or before going to bed, negative thoughts you are eating energy.

Take a few minutes for you, even if you have previously over the head, can only be beneficial to your productivity. And before you give up in the arms of Morpheus, drive stress or anything that might hinder your sleep, take stock of what you have experienced good in the day and what you did right. Tell yourself that you can not adjust anything in this hour and you’ll see more clearly after a good night’s sleep … and ready to start the day off right!

Be Relax

Take time for yourself, but also to focus on the essentials you. Insulate yourself from time to time to take deep breaths, eyes closed. If you are a fan of meditation or yoga, go for a flash session five minutes.

At home, soak in a hot bath to which you’ve added a good dose of Epsom salt, filled with magnesium sulfate, available in all pharmacies.

And why not add a few drops of essential oils of sage, peppermint or lemon, known for its energizing properties?

Also, Consider These

If you need a dose of instant energy, pour a few drops of essential peppermint oil on a handkerchief and breathe! You immediately find a renewed attention and your fatigue will quickly attenuate.

Finally, here is another natural remedy into your routine if intense fatigue vigorously brushes your palms with a nail brush. The adrenaline felt then circulate in your body and you wake up for sure!

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