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HomeDiet & FitnessHow To Get Rid Of Sleepiness

How To Get Rid Of Sleepiness

Drowsiness – is the most common and unpleasant feeling for busy people, especially the mid of the work day. How to get rid of sleepiness? This issue is given a huge amount of people around the globe.Options, in fact, very much, however, will be described below the most effective.


Method 1:

Immediately after you woke up you must do a little physical workout, which should be “ward off” sleep. If drowsiness overtook you through the day, you should walk the stairs. Just do not hurt to spend a few rhythmic movements.

Method 2:

If you feel even the slightest signs of sleepiness, you should go out in the bright room, etc. In bright light, drowsiness retreats.

Method 3:

Most banal way – sleep 20-30 minutes. This period is sufficient recovery.

Method 4:

It is also not ruled out the problem of jet lag. In this case, you should change your sleep. For example, to go to bed half an hour earlier and get up at the same time later, or vice versa.


Encouraging drinks – the best weapon against sleepiness. Thus, drinking a cup of green tea or coffee, you energy for the whole day.

Method 6:

Abrupt switch to a different feeling will help rid you of sleepiness. In particular, it is a great sound, a sharp smell, bitter taste and more.

If the above methods do not help you consult with a doctor. He will advise you, prescribe the necessary medication or special medical procedures.

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